

This class provides access to data databases or files system. There is an assumption that more than one data source will be required if you want to cache your objects, this object should ALWAYS be referenced in the global space as $GLOBALS["DATA_API"] OR GLOBAL $DATA_API

if you "internalize" this object in your classes (making it a property of the class) serialization will ONLY store a reference to the object and not the "property" object


the contructor requires no arguements as all DB sonnection information is loaded from JCORE_CONFIG_DIR.'/dataPool.ini' into: $this->connectorCfg Databases are referenced by a simple name space or "DSN" (Data Source Name) i.e. "SERVICES", "USERDATA", "AUTH", "AUTH_SLAVE"... No database connections are set by default, the class automatically checks to see if a valid DB resource exists, if not it tries to establish a connection. a LOG_EMERG message will be recorded if the connection to the DB fails a LOG_ALERT message will be recorded if the query fails

the class is not a singleton so it can have persistent maleable members i.e. the config settings, so any connection can be called @ any time


$DATA_API->create($DSN, $query, $returnArray); $DSN "Data Source Name" $query standard CREATE statement $args array( 'returnArray' = TRUE/FALSE ) if TRUE the result is returned as $resultArray["INSERT_ID"] = mysql_insert_id($connection); $resultArray["AFFECTED_ROWS"] = mysql_affected_rows($connection); $resultArray["INFO"] = mysql_info($connection);

$DATA_API->retrieve($DSN, $query, $args=array('returnArray' => true)); $DSN "Data Source Name" $query standard RETRIEVE(SELECT) statement $args array( 'returnArray' = TRUE/FALSE ) if TRUE the result is returned as a PHP array

$DATA_API->update($DSN, $query, $returnArray); $DSN "Data Source Name" $query standard UPDATE statement $args array( 'returnArray' = TRUE/FALSE ) if TRUE the result is returned as $resultArray["AFFECTED_ROWS"] = mysql_affected_rows($connection); $resultArray["INFO"] = mysql_info($connection);

$DATA_API->delete($DSN, $query, $args=array('returnArray' => true)); $DSN "Data Source Name" $query standard DELETE statement $args array( 'returnArray' = TRUE/FALSE ) if TRUE the result is returned as $resultArray["AFFECTED_ROWS"] = mysql_affected_rows($connection); $resultArray["INFO"] = mysql_info($connection);

[SECONDARY METHODS] set_connection($DSN, $settings); $DSN "DSN" $settings array of settings following the format of [JCORE_CONFIG_DIR.'dataPool.ini'] assumed to be $this->connectorCfg[$DSN] SETS/RESETS the connection object itself

verify_connection($DSN); $DSN "DSN"

  • checks if the connection object is set
  • checks if the connection object has a resource and resets if not
  • Passes to the connection object [KEY PROPERTIES] $connector $dataSchema dbConnection classes must implement dbConnection.interface.php in order to support the base methods of this class
